Sunday, August 23, 2009

Classic Film on Twitter

If you've given in and joined Twitter - the latest online craze - you can get news and info about classic film in between all those tweets in your stream about who's mowing their lawn and who had an especially tasty sandwich for lunch.  Here's who to follow:

Turner Classic Movies - @tcm
Updates from the cable movie channel about upcoming programming as well as general discussion about specific films and stars.

Elizabeth Taylor - @DameElizabeth
This one's been certified by the folks at Twitter as Liz's official feed.  Although she doesn't often tweet specifically about the world of classic film, it's still interesting to know what she's up to.

Lauren Bacall - @Lauren_Bacall
I'm not actually sure if this one is run by Lauren, but it's fun to read none the less.  Frequent reminisces about fellow movie star friends and pictures of them together are very interesting.

Nick Charles - @Thin_Man
An anonymous fan tweets solely lines spoken by the dashing detective in any of the 6 "Thin Man" films.  Highly entertaining.

American Film Institute - @AmericanFilm
Mostly links to various videos housed in their newly launched video portal (which we blogged about here) with a few fun tweets thrown in including movie trivia, upcoming events and retweets of other prominent members of the movie world.

Let us know if you find any others worth following - enjoy!